The Arsenal Files 1
The Arsenal Files (Arsenal Computer).ISO
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File List
144 lines
011394EM.TXT Mary's message at Conyers, Ga. for 13 Jan 94
35TH_ANN.ZIP 35th Anniversary of the Tibetan National
Uprising - Statement by His Holiness the
Dalai Lama
AITKEN87.ZIP Shila, The Second Paramita (Robert Aitken)
BERD.ZIP Buddhist Electronic Resources Directory -
Buddhist resources available via Internet,
DharmaNet, & other networks
BIBDAYO1.ZIP BIBDAY/2 1.0 for OS/2 - Bible Verse of the D
BODHI034.ZIP Protection Through Satipatthana, by
Nyanaponika Thera. (Bodhi Leaves B34)
BODHI042.ZIP Buddhism: a Method of Mind Training, by
Leonard Bullen. Bodhi Leaf B42
BODHI115.ZIP Anapana Sati: Meditation on Breathing, by
Ven. Mahathera Nauyane Ariyadhamma (Bodhi
Leaves B115)
BODHI122.ZIP To Light a Fire: a Dhamma discourse by Ven.
Webu Sayadaw. How to keep the fire of
meditation practice burning continuously. BPS
Bodhi Leaves No. 122
BOYCOT-C.ZIP Call for National Boycott of Chinese Goods
CAFS0194.ZIP Christian Action Fact Sheet - Jan. '94
CDN_AREA.ZIP List of Areas Distributed by CDN
CDN_KIT3.EXE CDN information data
CDN_RULE.ZIP Echorule files for each CDN msg area
CHANKHON.ZIP Interview with Sister Chan Khong (BPF, 1994)
CHINBUD2.ZIP Bibliography of Recent Work on Chinese
Buddhism - compiled by John R. McRae
listing is current as of 12 March 1994. How
to update this listing is included on the
main listing file. Originators of Networks
should read the !README.NOW file. All others
may disregard it. By cutting off the lower
portion of the main file, this listing can
easily be used in SUPRSCAN 3.14 by Michael
Conley. Suggestions wanted!
listing is current as of 15 January 1994. How
to update this listing is included on the
main listing file. Originators of Networks
should read the !README.NOW file. All others
may disregard it. By cutting off the lower
portion of the main file, this listing can
easily be used in SUPRSCAN 3.14 by Michael
Conley. Suggestions wanted!
DHARMLST.Z63 DharmaNet nodelist/echolist for day 063
DL_HRDAY.ZIP Dalai Lama on Human Rights Day (12/10/93)
DL_NYTIM.ZIP Dalai Lama interview, NY Times, 11/28/93
DL_PEACE.ZIP A Human Approach to World Peace (Dalai Lama).
Short essay on how to bring individuals,
communities, and governments together in
FMLYECHO.TXT How to participate in the FamilyNet Echoes v
FMLYNET.ZIP FamilyNet Echolist [Old] Fmlylist [Current]
FRAMES.ZIP Frames of Reference (Ajaan Lee Dhammadaro)
Translated from the Thai by Thanissaro
Bhikkhu. Practical instructions on applying
the mind to the four Foundations of
Mindfulness (Frames of Reference).
GARI_14.ZIP 14 Nuns from Gari Nunnery (Tibet) Arrested --
informational packet and petition (ICLT)
GASS0101.ZIP GASSHO vol 1 no 1 (Nov/Dec 1993) Maezumi,
Nhat Hanh, Dalai Lama, et al.
GASS0102.ZIP GASSHO vol 1 no 2 (Jan/Feb 1994) Buddhist
Studies. Thich Nhat Hanh, Ayya Khema, et al.
IMS9302.ZIP Insight Newsletter, Fall 1993. Articles by
Carol Wilson, Stephen Batchelor, Andy
Olendzki and others. Published by Insight
Meditation Society and Barre Center for
Buddhist Studies.
INMIND.ZIP Keeping the Breath in Mind & Lessons in
Samadhi (Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo; translated
from the Thai by Thanissaro Bhikkhu). A guide
to breath meditation.
IN_TRUTH.ZIP Inner Truth -- Tanks and Pears (John Tarrant)
JESUSBBS.A63 Update of international Christian BBS List
JIVAKA.ZIP A Critique of Kapleau's "To Cherish All Life"
(Bruce Burrill). A critique of Kapleau's
argument that the Buddha was vegetarian.
LITEDARK.ZIP Attaining the Light and Dark (John Tarrant)
LUNAR_94.ZIP Lunar Cycle and Dharma Practice (1994)
MEDITBIB.ZIP Meditation Bibliography (Zoz Imos)
MSTAR403.ZIP Prison Ministry - March 94 issue morning sta
PAINHELP.ZIP Using Meditation to Deal with Pain, Illness &
Death: A talk given to a conference on AIDS,
HIV and other Immuno-deficiency Disorders in
Long Beach, CA, Nov. 13, 1993 (Thanissaro
PREACHER.EXE Resources available at TPO in Louisiana (Wal
PROFMLY.ZIP Directory of Pro-Family-Values Organizations
Q-AND-A.ZIP Questions & answers about Buddhism (YH Hee)
QUANTUM.ZIP Heart Sutra: Buddhism in the Light of Quantum
Reality (Mu Soeng Sunim) Commentary on the
Heart Sutra drawing on metaphors from modern
RC208104.ZIP Files found on Root Connection, Modesto,Ca.
RWPFIX01.ZIP 1/8 Robertson'
RWPFIX02.ZIP 2/8 Robertson's Word Pictures for OLB
RWPFIX03.ZIP 3/8 Robertson's Word Pictures for the OLB
RWPFIX04.ZIP 4/8 Robertson's Word Pictures for OLB
RWPFIX05.ZIP 5/8 Robertson's Word Pictures for OLB
RWPFIX06.ZIP 6/8 Robertson's Word Pictures for OLB
RWPFIX07.ZIP 7/8 Robertson's Word Pictures for OLB
RWPFIX08.ZIP 8/8 Robertson's Word Pictures for OLB
TERG.ZIP Tibetan Electronic Resources Guide (TERG)
TIB-0194.ZIP Tibetan Bulletin (January/February 1994)
TIB-1193.ZIP Tibetan Bulletin (November/December 1993)
TIBTRAVL.ZIP FAQ on Travel to Tibet (2/20/94)
UNBOUND.ZIP Mind Like Fire Unbound (Thanissaro Bhikkhu)
The use of fire imagery in the Pali canon to
describe the attainment of Nibbana
VININTRO.ZIP Introduction to the Patimokkha Rules
(Thanissaro Bhikkhu). Summary of the 227
rules of conduct for Theravada bhikkhus.
WHEEL007.ZIP The Practice of Loving-kindness (metta):
Selected texts from the Pali Canon compiled
and translated by Nanamoli Thera. BPS Wheel
Publication No. 7.
WHEEL014.ZIP Everyman's Ethics: 4 Discourses (Narada) --
Moral instructions for householders:
Sigalovada, Maha-Mangala, Parabhava and
Vyagghapajja Suttas
WHEEL019.ZIP The Foundations of Mindfulness (Satipatthana
Sutta). Translated by Nyanasatta Thera. BPS
Wheel Publication 19.
WHEEL026.ZIP The Five Mental Hindrances (Nyanaponika
Thera). Selected texts from the Pali Canon
and the commentaries, including the
Samannaphala Sutta; BPS Wheel 26.
WHEEL061.ZIP The Simile of the Cloth & The Discourse on
Effacement (Nyanaponika Thera). Two suttas
translated from the Majjhima Nikaya; BPS
Wheel 61/62.
WHEEL065.ZIP The Way of Wisdom: The Five Spiritual
Faculties, by Edward Conze. BPS Wheel 65/66
WHEEL083.ZIP With Robes and Bowl: Glimpses of the Thudong
Bhikkhu Life (Bhikkhu Khantipalo). BPS Wheel
Publication 83/84. Vivid account of the daily
life of a Thai forest bhikkhu (monk).
WHEEL337.ZIP One Foot in the World: Buddhist Approaches to
Present-Day Problems (Lily de Silva). BPS
Wheel Publication No. 337/338